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Address formats accepted when passing through checkout
The delivery and billing address fields have been mainly designed to accept numbers, letters, and some punctuation marks.If our system considers that the information used includes characters or symbols that can cause problems to the transporter, you will receive an error message that indicates “We are sorry, but the data used contains unacceptable characters, correct them and try again”.
The permitted symbols and characters for the delivery and billing address fields are listed below:
- Name and surname:letters, and space, as well as & /.( ) - , '
- Address:letters, numbers, and space, as well as #., ; : ' °
- Town:letters, and space, as well as - , .; ' & / . ( )
- Postal code: numbers, letters, and space
- Telephone number:letters, and space, as well as ( ) -
- E-mail address: letters and numbers, as well as @ -